
Supporting student’s mental health & wellbeing is a top priority within our school community and to build on the mental health support currently offered within school, we have a regular drop in service for pupils, this is our “Wellbeing Drop-in”.

Our role involves supporting pupils in coping, whether that be listening, signposting to specialist staff within school such as mentors, or bringing to their attention external services that may help.

We aim to educate our students about mental health and wellbeing, highlighting strategies that promote positive mental health, through face to face sessions such as mindfulness workshops, weekly email updates, and Google Classroom posts.

Our Wellbeing Drop-in is provided via an open door policy and this can be a first point of contact for any student within school. In addition, we provide a safe, calm and nurturing space to allow pupils to share any worries or concerns.

Our Wellbeing Drop-in takes place every day in The Hub from 8am to 8.40am and from 3pm onwards.

Our ethos is “To empower students to recognise their own Mental Health through both support and education”.

Please check out our Instagram @jschs.wellbeing