
In order to revise and improve in Maths, you need to do Maths. Finding Maths to do and also help with how to do it, however, is easier said than done.

Revision Advice

By September 2019, every pupil at John Spence will have a login to Hegarty Maths which has been designed to help pupils to revise and make progress in Maths. Everyone should have had a demonstration from their Maths teacher with how to use it effectively to aid revision and complete homework.

The key steps are:

  1. search for the topic you are finding difficult;
  2. watch the video attached to the topic;
  3. answer the quiz which matches the examples covered in the video;
  4. rewatch the video at any stage to help with questions you find difficult.

Your scores are collected which builds your own individualised profile, giving you quick access to your own areas for improvement which you can access later. If you need further help with Hegarty or revision in general, please see your Maths teacher or attend drop ins on either a Monday or a Thursday lunchtime. We will do everything we can to point you in the right direction. There are a number of websites, listed below, that have further resources to help you access questions to answer.

Useful Websites

Exam Specification and Past Exam papers

For more information, please read the exam specification and practice using past exam papers.

Walk Talk Mock Revision