Please see below for a list of our most frequently asked questions.
I get lost?
Don’t panic! You will soon learn your way around the school. Ask any member of staff and they will be able to help you.
I feel I need someone to talk to?
Speak with your form tutor or Head of Year if you have any questions or problems. There are also mentors in school that you can chat with.
I have no dinner money?
Speak to your Head of Year who will loan you some lunch money to be returned the next day. Or alternatively, you can do an ‘I owe you’ at the canteen.
I feel unwell during a lesson?
Let your teacher know, they will let you go to the toilet, get a drink or some fresh air. If you still feel unwell come break or lunchtime, speak to your Head of Year. Do try your best to make it through the school day though. Your Head of Year will not send you home unless absolutely necessary.
I have left my PE kit at home?
Speak to the office staff who can attempt to ring home and get someone to bring this in. If not, you will need to speak to your PE teacher and request to borrow some spare PE kit for the lesson.
I have forgotten my login details for the school computers?
When convenient, speak to one of the IT technicians, located at the front of the Library.
I have forgotten my Google Classroom log in details?
Speak to a member of staff – all staff have access to this.
I have lost my timetable?
Speak to the school office who can print a replacement for you.
I forget my homework?
Go and see your teacher straight away in school or send them a message on ‘Google Classroom’.
I receive a skilled, resilient or considerate card?
Place them in the year group box at reception to be entered for a prize draw. You can also cash them in using the prize store with your Head of Year.