
The school follows the Schools Admissions Code and we work with the North Tyneside Local Authority Admissions Team to ensure that all applications are dealt with fairly and in a timely fashion.

Please contact the NT Admissions team on (0191) 643 8724 or [email protected] for information regarding waiting lists for each year group and application forms.

In Year applications:

If a space becomes available in a year group we operate an over subscription criteria that the NT admissions team administer for us. The oversubscription criteria can be found in our Admissions Policy. Students who successfully gain a place in school will have an initial meeting to ensure that any needs are identified so that a successful transition into school can take place.

Year 6 Applications:

The NT Admissions Team administer our new Year 7 intake process and ensure that parents are informed of relevant deadlines for applications. We expect that applications will far exceed the spaces in the year group meaning that over subscription criteria will be applied. Details of these criteria can be found in our Admissions Policy.

Admission Policy Arrangements for 2024/25
Admission Policy Arrangements for 2025/26
Admission Policy Arrangements for 2026/27 (Co-ordinated Admissions – Appendix 2 for 26/27)

Determined Admission Arrangements for 2024/25

Admission Scheme for 2024/25

JSCHS Admissions Consultation

The school admissions code and school admissions appeals code can be read by clicking the links.

Please click here to view more information on North Tyneside’s admissions policy.