Headteacher Update

January 2024

Just a brief update this week regarding our catering service. We received notice from North Tyneside Catering Service that they would cease to trade from 31st March 2024 meaning that we needed to source an alternative provider. I am delighted, that as part of the Pele Trust, we were quickly able to move towards bringing our service in house under the leadership of the Pele Trust Catering Manager meaning that we were in a much more advantageous position than other North Tyneside schools that are still undergoing the procurement process. The quality of food in Pele Trust schools is very good and we will be able to set our own menu meaning that we will be able to respond to student requests, although it will not be chicken and chips every day!  The staff who currently work in our kitchen for North Tyneside Council will remain here with us and I’m really pleased that they will become a full part of the John Spence Community.

As well as a change to menu, there will also be some other measures to improve efficiency and service including a redistribution of till points and a biometric system for payments. We will shortly be writing to you all explaining how the system works and requesting consent. The new service will commence immediately after the Easter Holidays and our new Pele Trust catering manager has written the following letter to introduce himself and some of the changes that will be happening.

Best wishes