Headteacher Update

April 2023

As we come to terms with the sad loss of Hywel Jones, today I have been reflecting on the strength of our community and how we support one another during difficult and challenging times. The number of messages I have received from staff is perhaps the best example of this alongside the number of students yesterday who checked in with staff to ask if they were ok. Beyond the school we have received numerous messages of condolence that we will pass onto Hywel’s family and we have also received swift support from the local authority who have provided a trained counsellor in school today to support students and staff who are affected by the loss of Hywel whether that is because they knew him well or if it has reminded them of the losses they themselves have suffered. Community is so important at a time like this and I am exceptionally proud of the way our community has pulled together over the last 36 hours. We will be sharing our memories of Hywel with his family in the coming weeks, so if you or your child knew him, please feel free to write a few lines and send to [email protected] with the subject title ‘In Memory of Hywel’. Our thoughts remain with Hywel’s wife and family.

Year 10 SLT Review Day

You are invited to attend a consultation appointment with a senior member of school staff.  During this time you and your child will receive your child’s report, information on how they have started the first 9 months of the GCSE course and the end of year exam timetable.  You have been assigned 1 member of SLT to meet with and the appointment will last approximately 15 minutes.

Parents are able to book using the online booking system: https://parents-booking.co.uk/johnspence

To login you will need to enter:

  • Your first name and surname
  • Your child’s first name, surname and date of birth

The login details you enter must match those we have on record for you.

Appointments will be available to book from 3.30pm on Friday 21st April until 10am on Tuesday 2nd May.

Finally, there are two more days of industrial action planned by the NEU in the next two weeks, the first of which will be next Thursday, 27th April. We will be fully open on these days.

Best wishes