Headteacher Update

February 2023

As we approach the end of a very busy half term, I would like to look forward and talk to you about the long term future of John Spence. You may or may not be aware that there has been a drive by successive governments for all schools to convert to academy status and I have been exploring what this might look like for the school, alongside the governing body, for around 18 months. Last year there was a government Schools White Paper that put a deadline by which all schools must convert and join a strong multi academy trust; this accelerated our thinking as it did in many other schools up and down the country. This White Paper was ultimately withdrawn and whilst there is still a Department for Education drive, the deadline is no longer there, but what has happened in the meantime is that the argument for conversion and joining a multi academy trust has become more and more compelling.

For this reason, I spoke to staff last week and presented our proposal that we convert to become an academy and join the Pele Multi Academy Trust, which is currently based in Ponteland, but will soon have other hubs across the region. Undoubtedly, this is a significant step for the entire school community, but I would like to reassure you that I am proposing this because I believe it to be in the long term best interest of our community and not because we have to. From the perspective of parents and their children, little will change if we do convert. Our name will remain the same, uniform will remain the same, our curriculum and our systems will remain the same; the change will fundamentally be that we work closely with other high schools so that collectively we can improve the education, support and outcomes for all children across the Trust. I see this as a hugely exciting opportunity and one that will make a real difference to our community in the long term.

As part of the conversion process, we must consult with parents and this consultation will start on Monday 27th February and will run for 6 school weeks, closing on 21st April 2023. There will be a consultation page on our website and we will email the link to this on 27th, we will also send a letter home. There will be a number of documents on the website that should provide you with all the information you need, most importantly a detailed rationale of why this proposal is being made. Hopefully, this will provide you with all the information you need, but if you do have any further questions we will be holding a parent information evening at school with governors and SLT on Monday 13th March at 5pm.  There will be a form on the website that you can complete to provide feedback, if you wish to do so.

Please do engage with the consultation firstly to help understand the benefits of the proposal, but also to put your mind at rest – we will remain a North Tyneside school serving our community, ultimately John Spence will remain John Spence!

Just one other item today, strike action will be taking place again on Tuesday 28th February. Whilst we managed to stay fully open on the last day of industrial action, we were very stretched and any unexpected staff absence would have been exceptionally difficult to cover. On this basis, we have planned the day and have found that periods 1-4 can be staffed appropriately, whereas period 5 is more challenging with the majority of Year 8 classes likely to be affected. We have therefore made the difficult decision to send Year 8 home after lunchtime at the start of period 5 (2pm); all other year groups will remain in school. This decision is based upon a number of factors including a wish not to undermine the action of our colleagues and ensuring that we are providing purposeful education for students as well as health and safety considerations. If this causes any Year 8 parents any issues, please do get in touch with my PA Emma Rutter [email protected]  and we will make arrangements for your child to be in school during period 5.

I hope that you all have a good week and we look forward  to welcoming the student back on Monday 27th February.

Best wishes